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A multi-sport huddle is a small group bible study for coaches and athletes from multiple community sports teams.


The best answer to this question is “Wherever works best for your huddle.” There is a lot of flexibility. Multi-sport huddles can meet in a variety of locations (churches, homes, athletic facilities, etc.). Ultimately, this is determined by what works best for the huddle members.


The best answer to this question is “Whenever works best for your huddle.” There is a lot of flexibility. Multi-sport huddles can meet anytime morning, afternoon or evening. Ultimately, this is determined by what works best for the huddle members.


Huddles can be led by:

  • A coach
  • An athlete
  • A parent or other adult

A multi‐sport huddle can be led by:

  • A coach
  • An Athlete
  • A parent or other adult serving as a character coach. 
    What is a character coach?

Get Started in 3 Steps

Complete A Ministry Leader Application

All adults, coaches or sponsors who lead or provide support need to complete a Ministry Leader Application online.

Complete The Ministry Certification Request

Complete the request for local staff to certify your community sport ministry

Contact FCA Staff

Find the staff person nearest you and let them know you'd like to get started.

See a Team Huddle in action...

Coach-Led Team Huddle

Volunteer-Led Team Huddle

Do create a conversational environment

Strive to create a conversational environment where your athletes discover Biblical truth. Allow multiple people to respond. This is not a time to line them up against the wall and preach at them.

Don’t be afraid of silence

Let the people sit for a moment and think.

Do value input

Do whatever it takes to affirm people’s comments, but do not be artificial with your praise. Be delicate with answers that are clearly wrong (you probably don’t want to point and laugh). Do not feel like you have to finish, complete, or correct an answer, unless the comments could be destructive to the faith.

Don’t feel like you have to know all the answers

We are human, and it’s good for your group to see that you are limited.

Don’t read questions off any guide you’re using

Understand the questions and be prepared to ask them in your own terms. Feel free to generate your own questions during your preparation AND even “on the spot.”

Do clarify some responses to your questions

If a person’s answer or comment is long-winded or unclear, repeat it back (summarize it) for clarity. This proves you are listening and it keeps the attention of the rest of the group.

Don’t move to a new question too quickly

After a person answers a question, ask, “Would anyone like to add to that?” or “Does everyone agree/disagree with that?”

Do keep the group focused and on purpose

Don’t go down a rabbit trail and leave the topics and/or Scripture passages unless something “big” that comes up (e.g., a family crisis). Be sensitive to the Spirit (but that’s not an excuse to be lazy and let the group wander). Wandering is easy, being a leader isn’t!

FCA provides some great resources designed specifically for the Team environment.

These resources provide content developed by experienced team chaplains & sports ministers that speaks directly to the competitive mindset.