Leading by Example PUBLISHED ON March 17, 2023 "I want to encourage athletes and coaches no matter what their level of competition and give them the opportunity to see God’s potential wit...
Stewarding the Gospel Light PUBLISHED ON March 03, 2023 Our godly lives and unwavering devotion to Jesus will be our brightest light and testimony of stewardship for Him.
Pride Bombs PUBLISHED ON February 28, 2023 I wasn’t letting him know that I was friends with him; instead, I was implying that things worked out because of my tight relationship with...
The Missing Piece PUBLISHED ON February 23, 2023 Gustavo Silva, a professional soccer coach in Brazil, discovers the missing piece to coaching through an FCA coaching workshop.
FCA Announces Steve Jones as first EVP of All Ability Sports PUBLISHED ON February 06, 2023 "We are thrilled that the man who sparked FCA’s journey into All Ability is the same man who will take the helm of this sport environment."
Are You Ready? PUBLISHED ON January 31, 2023 As I sat silently at the end of 2022, I asked the Lord, “What One Word do you have for me in 2023?”
More Than Winning PUBLISHED ON January 28, 2023 FCA Canada’s Chris Timm’s passion to reach the hearts of the athletes at the Ontario Summer Games.
What Story Do You Want To Tell? PUBLISHED ON December 29, 2022 Let’s be ready to be used by God in supernatural ways in 2023.