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Colombia is rich in cultural heritage being one of the most ethnically and linguistically diverse countries in the world. With over 48 million people, Colombia’s economy is the fourth largest in Latin America relying heavily upon coal production, oil development and the sale of emeralds and considerable amounts of gold, silver and platinum. Colombia also has a reputation for world-renowned coffee, Colombian farmers raise some of the world’s finest coffee on the Andean Mountain slopes.  

Roman Catholicism is the main religion of Colombia with 79 percent identifying as Catholic and 13 percent identifying as Protestant.

Soccer and cycling are Colombia’s main sports with major league games played throughout the year and the Tour of Colombia cycle race that takes place every March and April. Many people frequent Colombia to mountain climb, with peaks up to nearly 19,000 feet.

FCA Colombia is making an impact in the lives of coaches and athletes in a significant way throughout the country. In 2005, the first international branch of FCA Colombia was launched in Bogotá. Since then, they have expanded the ministry to 12 major cities by focusing on leveraging the local church to form competitive Christian Sports Leagues, challenging coaches to develop transformational coaching strategies and serving existing sports teams by providing an FCA Chaplain. 

FCA Colombia is experiencing firsthand how sports has opened the door to opportunities for staff to present to coaches and athletes the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, serving Him in their relationships and in the fellowship of the church.

COL orthographic (San Andrés and Providencia special) By Addicted04 (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons


James Oilar
Ministry Director
Email | Support James


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