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Who We Are

We are a community working to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.

Why We Do It

We desire to see every coach and athlete enter into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.

What We Do

We seek to make disciples through our strategy of engaging, equipping and empowering coaches and athletes to know and grow in Christ and lead others to do the same.



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Bold and Courageous

by Telerik.Sitefinity.DynamicTypes.Model.Authors.Author | Nov 02, 2015

This story appears in FCA Magazine’s November/December 2015 issue. Subscribe today!

It seems our pace of life only continues to increase. So, at the end of each year, I like to reflect on the highlights of the previous 12 months and thank God for each day He’s given me.

It’s hard to believe I’ve been serving the Lord through FCA for more than 10 years now, and each year I become even more aware of God’s hand of blessing upon this ministry.

Earlier this year, we were privileged to gather more than 1,200 FCA staff together in San Antonio for a weekend of Faith, Fellowship and Fun at an event called “Real Time.” I’ll always cherish the opportunity to witness our many dedicated staff from around the world spending time with one another and taking a moment to be refreshed and recharged.

I also think about the 619 FCA Camps held throughout the world and the 94,000-plus coaches and athletes who attended those camps. Did you catch that? Nearly 100,000 people were exposed to the saving message of our “Undefeated” Lord and Savior at an FCA Camp!

Those camp numbers are record breakers for us and for that we praise God. But it only serves to reinforce my thoughts on how God is doing amazing things through FCA.

Obviously, 2015 has already been a blessed year, but it’s not over yet! We can still finish this year strong for the Lord. I believe this issue of FCA Magazine will inspire you to do just that. I always enjoy the annual college football player profile edition, seeing the many young men who are using their platform on their campuses to be bold witnesses for the Lord. Each of these athletes (and the other athletes and coaches featured in this issue) are making an impact for Christ.

And it’s my prayer that their example is an inspiration for you to do the same. Even with the special moments we’ve all experienced this year, we should all be very aware that the need is great and the time is now for all of us as Christ-followers to be bold and courageous in our faith.

Too often, we as Christ-followers sit back and commit the biggest sin of the present time—silence.

Allow me to play Coach. We’re all in the locker room of life, and the scoreboard is not showing the score we’d like to see. It’s up to us to make a play. We need to win back our country—a country built upon Christian faith and values. So what are you waiting for? Are you willing to speak up and make a difference?

Years ago, Hall of Fame coach Tom Landry shared with me the three qualities he always looked for in players as he built championship teams: character, intelligence and toughness. Those three qualities can be found in every one of us as we pursue our Heavenly Father.

You, as a Christ-follower who reads the Bible, should be inspired to grow in Christian character on a daily basis. God has blessed us all with intelligence, and it’s our responsibility to grow in wisdom and understanding of how to apply our faith to our daily lives. And toughness? That’s the separation factor. Life is a full-contact sport, and we’ll need that toughness to take action in this world.

As 2015 comes to a close, I’ll leave you with the challenge I left many of my athletes: “When all is said and done, usually more is said than done…so be bold and very courageous” Let God use you in a mighty way for all to see the difference you can make for Him!


Model the Master,

Les Steckel

FCA President/CEO


–This article appears in the November/December 2015 issue of FCA Magazine. To view the issue digitally, click here: November/December 2015 FCA Mag Digital 

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