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We are a community working to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.

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by Telerik.Sitefinity.DynamicTypes.Model.Authors.Author | Jul 07, 2015

This story appears in FCA Magazine’s July/August 2015 issue. Subscribe today!

Whenever I play games with my kids, they always ask, “What are we playing to?” They want to know how many points they’ll need to win, and my answer is always the same: “We’re playing until I win.” That’s my competitive nature at its best (and worst)! We laugh, and then the game is on until one of us defeats the other.

In sports, if you pay close attention, you can literally see the moment a player or team has been defeated—sometimes it's long before the game clock ever reaches zero. You can see it in their attitude and effort, sense it in the lack of energy, and hear it in the frustration between teammates and coaches. There might be time left on the clock, but they’ve given up. They’ve already lost.

When my wife was diagnosed with cancer in 2008, the very same cancer that had taken her dad’s life at the age of 39, she began to feel defeated. The challenge seemed insurmountable. Fear and doubt were constant, and we were consumed with the reality of her diagnosis when she was given very little chance to win. But it was in those darkest days that God reminded us He is bigger than cancer. He had already conquered death by sending His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross and rise again. Ultimately, we had nothing to fear.

God reminded us of the story in Daniel 3 of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. The threat of being thrown in the fire was all too real (and terrifying!) when they refused to bow down and worship a false god. It was their mindset, however, that changed how we approached our battle against cancer. They knew that, no matter how it turned out, they were undefeatable because God would remain undefeated. They walked into the fire with incredible confidence and courage, convinced God could keep them out of the flames by protecting and rescuing them. But, no matter what happened, God would win in the end, and so would they. Even if they died, they would live again.

This became our focus, and thankfully my wife remains cancer-free to this day. Our experience led me to ponder how critical faith in our undefeated God can be when we encounter challenging life circumstances.

Many of us walk around defeated even though there is time left on the clock. We have experienced loss or failure, and we’re tempted to give up. We have an enemy who wants us to live a defeated life. He desires to convince us that our challenges and circumstances are insurmountable. He whispers excuses, fear, doubt and negativity into our ears until we begin to believe the lies. Fear produces doubt and defeat and makes everything seem worse than it really is. But faith develops hope and victory and makes things seem better.

You may not be facing an extreme situation with your health, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t walking around defeated. Maybe you believe you will never reach your goals. Maybe you have struggled with poor nutrition or another destructive habit. Maybe you lack the discipline needed to take your game, health or life to the next level.

Don’t give up! Being defeated is equal to giving up. You cannot be defeated unless you give up. Victory and defeat are each a mindset. They start in your mind and heart with what you believe about your circumstances, your challenges and the capabilities of God.

I want to be undefeatable. When you are undefeatable, there is hope in every circumstance. Even when things aren’t going your way, they can get better. Every obstacle is an opportunity, and every failure is a catalyst for improvement. In the end, you can trust that every circumstance will end for your good and God’s glory.

God is undefeated and undefeatable. He is the source of all victory. His purposes and plans are unstoppable, if we’ll just surrender our purposes and plans to Him.

God can turn our pain into purpose and progress.

God can turn our loss into others’ gain.

God can turn the harm you’ve experienced into healing.

God can turn your frustration into faith.

God can turn the impossible into the possible.

God can even turn death into new life.

So, what challenges are you facing that seem insurmountable? In what areas of life are you feeling defeated?

If you want to be undefeatable, remember the three I’s:

Inspired Focus – Keep your eyes focused on God’s capabilities instead of your challenges. And remember who wins in the end.

Intentional Optimism – Believe that nothing is impossible for God. Expect His best, no matter the circumstances. Refuse to complain or think the worst. 

Intense Action – Take diligent, disciplined action in the direction of what you want. Refuse to compromise or make excuses along the way.

Remember, you are undefeatable because God will always be undefeated. He has given us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!


–This article appears in the July/August 2015 issue of FCA Magazine. To view the issue digitally, click here: July/August 2015 FCA Mag Digital 

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