There's no telling what could happen when a coach's heart sets fire for Christ.
As one of the major influencers around the world, coaches have the ability to alter lives for better or worse, and we’ve made it a priority to pour into our coaches and see them transformed and passionate about the sphere of influence where God has placed them.
When coaches become followers of Jesus Christ, their character, relationships and approach to coaching authentically pours from the way they act, live and speak. FCA walks them through this journey, providing coaches Huddles and conventions, in-depth training with redesigned 3Dimensional Coaching, resources and retreats. This builds up the heart and energy in and out of coaching so they can be at their best to most effectively shepherd teams, athletes and their staff.
When one coach brought a few of his athletes to an FCA Camp, he never fathomed how it would be his heart that turned inside out. While wanting the best for his athletes physically and spiritually, during worship nights and conversations with fellow coaches, he caught the love of Jesus and accepted Him as Lord. Returning home, he dove into a coaches study and got involved in a local Huddle, starting a local wrestling club for athletes to hone their craft with extra practice sessions, while encouraging them with the gospel and small devotionals. The next year, he brought his entire team back to camp. Many lives are impacted for Christ because of one coach who caught fire for God through FCA.
“My mission is to share His goodness with anyone who will listen and to help get as many of these kids in heaven as I possibly can."
The Heart of It:
That's 55,869 coaches and athletes on record surrendering their lives and their sports to Jesus Christ through an FCA activity.