FCA Ukraine held eight Power Camps between June 29 and July 4. Organized by Camp Director Andrew Chernenkov, FCA Ukraine partnered with seven churches for the camps as God’s love was shared with 450 campers, 150 staff, and 50 FCA coaches.
Said one coach, “This is my first time at a Christian sports camp like this and I have never seen such love among coaches. Their love for kids just moved my heart.”
“Power Camp is so special for me,” added a football coach. “I’m always looking forward to the summer, especially when I know I can serve at Power Camp.”
And one soccer coach recalled when the Lord changed his heart at Power Camp five years ago and now coaches with the Love of Christ.
When asked why they like Power Camp, one camper responded, “I love the coaches!”
The Lord is continuing to do great things in the hearts of coaches and athletes in Ukraine. Their next upcoming event is a street ball basketball league starting July 11, with over 100 participants.