What Are You Chasing?

Published on December 12, 2024


We’re trying to do everything on our own to ensure that we are getting the recognition we think we deserve.

We’re doing everything to point back to ourselves. More playing time, more stats, more crowds cheering us on. But it falls flat. The praise doesn’t bring the peace we thought it would. 

But what if there’s more than this chasing after awards that fade, records that get broken, and a name that gets buried in the annals as time goes on? What if there’s a deeper purpose for the talents we have?

What’s missing? The truth is that we were never made to hold our own glory. There is a God who made us, in His image, for His glory.

When you win a game, achieve an athletic goal, shine in a performance, or break a record, your natural response as a competitor is to want the credit and whatever reward is attached to that success. Another way you might describe it is “glory,” which can come in the form of recognition, renown, prestige, fame, or honor. There’s nothing inherently wrong in desiring good outcomes from your hard work. But if that’s your number one goal as a competitor, it will never be as fulfilling as you hope it might be. You’ll always be tempted to chase your own glory if you don’t understand your true identity and purpose.

Receiving glory in the form of honor, praise, admiration, or rewards will naturally happen throughout your athletic career. But it’s when you find yourself chasing glory that it becomes a problem. It puts you out of balance with God’s plan, which is to give Him all the glory for what He has done for you and through you.




Read the rest of the article to learn more about God's glory and how you are made to reflect it.