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Guatemala is a Central American country located south of Mexico with a population of 15.8 million people. Guatemala boasts the largest economy in Central America yet is one of the poorest nations in Latin America at the same time. Christianity is the dominant religion of Guatemala with roughly 57 percent of the population identifying as Roman Catholic, while another 28 percent are Protestant.

Sports are a very prominent part of Guatemalan culture. Although soccer is considered the most popular sport, baseball, basketball, volleyball and kickboxing are played and watched by many. Some notable athletes from Guatemala include soccer stars Carlos Ruiz, Gustavo Cabrera, Guillermo Ramirez and Erick Barrondo, who won the nation’s first Olympic medal (20-km race walk) at the 2012 Summer Games in London.

FCA Guatemala is making an impact in the lives of coaches and athletes in a significant way throughout the country. They are utilizing 3Dimensional Coaching and also equipping local chaplains to minister to teams from all levels of competition. Additionally, they have many sports camps to reach athletes in their communities and even utilize the camp program to reach into the prisons. Sports conferences and leagues have opened their doors to FCA Guatemala, expanding opportunities to impact lives for Christ.

Staff and volunteers offer their own time, resources and funds, sacrificing much to reach coaches and athletes at all levels of sports in Guatemala. The team of leaders serves because they are pierced with love and burdened by the plight of their own people. They experience firsthand how sport is truly a universal language, enabling them to build relationships and create opportunities to introduce Jesus.



Osmar Jimenez
Guatemala Director
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  • LAMC Small Group
  • Team Guatemala